
Announcing 'Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: A World Handbook for Cetacean Habitat Conservation', a new WDCS book by Erich Hoyt.

This month, WDCS, the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, and Earthscan (London) announce the publication of Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, researched and written by WDCS Senior Research Fellow Erich Hoyt.

Worldwide in coverage, the 520-page book reveals the inside story on more than 500 existing and planned marine protected areas (MPAs), national parks and sanctuaries. It is designed to be a key resource for scientists, research institutions, students, wildlife conservation agencies, MPA managers, and anyone who cares about cetaceans and the special places where they live.

The book is also a call to action for more than 200 areas detailed in the book which are proposed for expansion and greater protection and need attention now. The high seas, outside national marine boundaries, in particular, require urgent action in order to conserve species, critical habitat and ecosystems.

The book includes a special colour section of cetacean illustrations and photographs, 30 maps and figures, 9 case studies, more than 50 tables and boxes, references and index.

Published in the UK and USA in simultaneous hardcover and paperback editions, books will be available to be shipped 4 November 2004 and may be ordered at discount through bookstores, the amazon websites and various other sources (see below).

Along with the book, WDCS has produced a huge poster map (A1 and A0-size) showing the more than 500 cetacean MPAs and sanctuaries worldwide, with illustrations by Pieter Folkens. Check www.cetaceanhabitat.org and www.phinz.com for more information about ordering a copy of this special map, proceeds from which will help support WDCSs research and conservation efforts. For a limited time, WDCS, through www.phinz.com, plans to give away free folded copies of the A1-size poster with all purchases of the book.

Advance Comments and Back Cover copy, Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises:

The definitive account of the status and protection of cetaceans a well-written and interesting work on an important subject, accessible to both experts and general readers.

- Prof. Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University, twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize; author of The Diversity of Life, The Future of Life, On Human Nature, Consilience Multiple strategies are needed to reverse the decline of whales and dolphins, and one of these is creating protected areas for them. Renowned writer and leading authority on whale watching Erich Hoyt takes us on a fascinating journey across the complex and uncharted world of protected
areas for cetaceans. This highly informative book will become a source of inspiration and understanding for the decision-maker as well as for the layperson, and an exhaustive repository of information and references for the specialist.

- Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Deputy chairman, IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group and, founder, Tethys Research Institute, Italy

This exhaustive handbook launches a new chapter in cetacean conservation with its investigation into the habitat needs and protection requirements of some 84 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises. This is the first book to bridge the disciplines of marine protected areas (MPAs) and cetacean conservation. The early chapters outline the principles for creating the best possible MPAs for cetaceans, stemming from the identification of critical habitat using ecosystem-based management and networks of reserves and through an inclusive process involving all stakeholders local community, NGOs, researchers, the fishing and tourism industries, along with government planners and wildlife managers. The extensive fifth chapter provides in-depth surveys of all 18 marine regions around the world, with marine region maps and tables containing profiles of the more than 500 proposed and existing MPAs with cetacean habitat, including nine detailed case studies.

Erich Hoyt is Senior Research Fellow with the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and Co-Director of the Far East Russia Orca Project. He is author of 14 books and more than 350 papers, reports and articles.

Citation: Hoyt, E. 2005. Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: A World Handbook for Cetacean Habitat Conservation. Earthscan, London. 512pp. ISBN: 1844070638 (hardback) and 1844070646 (paperback).

For more about the book, or to order individual copies, go to
www.cetaceanhabitat.org, www.phinz.com, www.amazon.com, www.amazon.co.uk or www.earthscan.co.uk.

More information on ordering the poster is available from
www.cetaceanhabitat.org and www.phinz.com.

For trade or quantity discounts, go to www.earthscan.co.uk (for book
only), or contact Erich Hoyt, erich.hoyt@mac.com (for book and map-poster).

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